Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Liberal condescension toward southerners is why Democrats have lost the South

12/8/14, "Racism Isn’t the Reason Southern Whites Have Abandoned Democrats," PJ Media, Rick Moran

"Liberal condescension toward southerners is a far greater factor than racism in the Democrats' decline."

"Meanwhile, those white southern racists elected a black man, Tim Scott, senator in South Carolina. Scott won an astonishing 88% of the white vote. What does that do to the liberal narrative regarding racism? It’s simply a different ballgame when you place an “R” after the candidate’s name on the ballot.

Racism as an excuse for Democratic defeat in the South is too easy, too pat. But it has the benefit of allowing Democrats the luxury of being able to ignore the real reasons why white Southerners have so completely rejected their candidates. Liberals are apparently incapable of conducting the introspection necessary to arrive at the conclusion that their attitudes toward those they feel superior to contributes far more to their electoral defeats than some kind of nebulous racism that doesn’t exist in any greater proportion in the South than it does anywhere else in the country." (near end of article) via Lucianne


Comment: The link above about election results for wonderful Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina says he got  82% white voters, 10% black voters. The above author said 88% of white voters so either NBC recently changed it or there are fractions I didn't see. 82% is pretty good, too.


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